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Making Money

Here are a few companies that pay you for surfing the web and reading emails.
Just click on the image to go to the website.

Get paid to surf the net!
Surf2Cash pays you 50 cents an hour!!! 40 hours a month!!!

Value Pay pays you one dollar an hour and the referral lv is 5!!!!!!

GetPaid4 pays you just to be on the internet and the referral lv is 7!!!!!

mValue pays you 50 cents an hour. They pay you just for being on the internet!!! It's pretty new so join now!!!!!

Join Desktop Horizon, they pay 60 cents an hour.

Dotad pays you 50 cents per hour. Referal Lv. 6!!!!!!!!

Join Itadsup.com
You get paid 75% of advertising revenue!!!!6 referral levels!!!! join now!!!!!

Epipo pays you 60 cents an hour so join now!!!! Referral level 5!!!! Click the Image!!!!!

AllCommunity pays you for surfing the web and for reading e-mails they send you. Join now!!!!!

Make cash on the Net
Spedia pays you 50 cents an hour and you can sign up for programs and get more money. Can be used with AllAdvantage Viewbar to double your income!! Unlimited number of hours per month!!!! Join now!!!!!

Desktop dollars pays you 50 cents an hour just to be on the internet!!!!! Referral level 5!!!!! Click the image to sign up!!!

Join AllAdvantage.com
AllAdvantage pays you 50 cents an hour!!!! 40 hours per month!!!! Join now!!!!!!

Utopiad pays you up to 2.00 per hour!!!!!! A percent of revenue is given to you!!! Join now!!!!!It's free and you get money what more do you want?
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